Thursday, January 31, 2008

Chuck E Cheese

Today we took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese as a special treat. This is Sarah's second trip, and she handled it like a seasoned pro! She crawled all over, rode some rides, and LOVED the little stage show that goes on in the birthday area. I think this will probably be a favorite play spot for years to come...lots of toys and lots of freedom combined with lots of space spells fun for a little one looking for some independence. :)

Friday, January 25, 2008

My Gooby Girl

Soooo....Sarah took her first steps a couple days ago! I stood her up in front of me (because she was trying to crawl up the leg that contains my injured knee), and expected her to either try to fall into me or promptly sit down and crawl to me. Nope, she took three steps forward! :) YEA!!!! Of course, as these moments go, it was unexpected and even if there had been time to grab my camera, which there wasn't, I didn't know where it was at that moment. SO, I will try to get her to do it again and see if I can get it on film.

Sarah also likes to sing! If I am at the computer with music on singing along, which I generally do when I am at the computer, she crawls over and puts her hands up to be picked up. I sit her in my lap and she sits and sings along, sometimes clapping her little hands. But generally throughout the day as she plays she can be found singing to her little self. It is quite cute. And when I put music on (like the Gospel Music Channel, which has been added to our cable package and I really love), she starts clapping and singing. It is very cute.

She's been a faithful little Pats fan, although I do believe she thinks football is all about the snacking and generally doesn't care so much about the game itself until a touchdown is scored and we all cheer. Then she claps. :)

Now, this little goober...the other day...somehow managed to climb up onto our dining room table. We were both home (in fact, Tim was in the room with her) and all of a sudden he turned around and there she was, on the table, playing with the candle piece. We have absolutely NO idea how she did it, and she hasn't done it again so I'm guessing she doesn't know either lol.

The other thing she has been big into is talking on the phone. She constantly puts a phone, any one she can get her hands on, up to her ear and says "Hello!" or "Hi!". The funny thing is, if you put her on the real phone and someone talks back, she won't talk. So I bought her her own house phone to go along with the cell phone we already bought her. And she LOVES it! However, if one day you get a call at your house and no one is talking, chances are it could be Sarah. She accidentally called a friend of ours the other day using the arrow buttons on the caller id. :)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fun With Food

Sarah is getting to a stage in her development where she is beginning to eat some of the grown up food that we eat. She particularly likes pastas, such as penne or spaghetti, but is definitely eager to get into some not so healthy food (ie chips, chocolate, etc.). Now, we don't keep chips in the house very often, but we had bought some for the Pats playoff game this past Saturday. Somehow, a bowl with a little bit of chips left in it was left on the little card table in the living room. Goobie gussie spotted it and immediately began her new fun game of throwing the chips (or food in general) on the floor. Of course, because it was so cute, I grabbed my camera and got a couple shots before I picked up the mess. :) There's a couple shots of her eating spaghetti the other night as well.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Snow, Snow everywhere!

Today we got a really big snowstorm that dumped more than a foot of snow in our backyard. So after shoveling and whatnot we got Sarah dressed up in her snowsuit and new winter hat and took her out to play in the snow for the first time. I wasn't sure how she would do, but after looking around for a few minutes trying to figure out what on earth she was doing sitting outside in a pile of white stuff, she started to pat the snow (aided of course by the kids and their friends, who showed her how to do it). Then she started to beat the snow, very happily! And of course she LOVED the attention she was getting!
After playing in the snow bank we sat her on the sled and Natalie pulled her (slowly) around the driveway. Well, THIS we REALLY loved! Unfortunately, I do not know how to work the video feature on the camera so I wasn't able to get video of this but I did get a few good shots. We also tried putting her on a sled with Natalie to go down a little hill. As you can see from the photo, sledding down the hill was not her idea of a good time. :) All in all though she did quite well and we enjoyed our fun today!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

My Little Climber

Well, we all know the day was going to come when my champion crawler figured out how to climb on absolutely EVERYTHING. :) It started with her activity table and the stairs. Well, last week I took down our Christmas tree then ran out of steam, so I left the box (with the tree in's fake) in the living room. Weeellll Ms. Thing decided this was placed there for her benefit to climb all over and onto the couch. And climb she did. Little goober!!! She is getting very adventurous and is lots of fun. I put all her toys in the corner where the tree had been, so now she has her own play area and I have the middle of my living room floor back. I am hoping to get a pic of her standing up...she's getting more and more brave about it every day, and it's only a matter of time before she tries that first step. We've tried helping her walk by holding her hands, but she prefers to get around by herself, thank you very much! :)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, but most of you are aware how things have been at our house the last several weeks and you'll get why I haven't had so much time for this! Sarah is getting to be a very adventurous girl! We had a great Christmas, and she got quite a few new toys to add to her collection. She seemed to enjoy her Christmas and especially loved all the attention!

She loves to crawl all over the house and sing and talk to herself all day long. What a goose! We recently had a playdate at Bradyn's house. They are pretty cute to watch together. :)