Sarah's new favorite pasttime is to climb up on everything in the house, especially the computer desk to play with all the fascinating gadgets or look out the window (our desk is now in the corner of the window looking out the big window).
Sarah also loves to play and sing. The other day we went to her friend Bradyn's house and she ran all over the place. She also loves to sing along to the "Elmo's World" theme song. We have tried to get her on video singing it a couple of times but she either hasn't sung or won't look at the camera. Hopefully we'll get it soon. In the meantime, here are some pics to hold you over of our little cutie bug.
she is so cute and getting so big!
The picture of her holding Natalie's purse is wicked cute...lol but the backdrop of the photo, not so much. hehehehehe
lol just kidding
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