Now that Sarah is getting bigger and (literally) taking steps on her own, she is developing quite the little personality, along with a stubborn streak to boot. She not only likes things her way, but she prefers to do them herself, thank you very much. She has graduated to eating mostly toddler and (some) adult food that she can finger feed herself, and is trying to figure out the tricky art of using a spoon. The other night, she decided that she was all done, and managed to shove the high chair tray (which was locked) onto the kitchen floor, food and all. Thankfully her sister Natalie helped me out with the cleanup.
I do believe she'd be walking everywhere except generally after about three steps she decides it is much faster to crawl and down she goes. She also has started to develop a love of shopping just like mommy's delight and daddy's chagrin. We love her dearly, though, and wouldn't have her any other way but the way she is!
ahahaha funfun
hence, i am never having children :) lol jkjk
that pic of her on the floor with the crackers is wicked cunnin' [mainah tahk, hehe]
I'm sorry, did you say she threw a locked tray of food onto the floor? You are definitely going to have your hands full with her.
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