Soooo....Sarah took her first steps a couple days ago! I stood her up in front of me (because she was trying to crawl up the leg that contains my injured knee), and expected her to either try to fall into me or promptly sit down and crawl to me. Nope, she took three steps forward! :) YEA!!!! Of course, as these moments go, it was unexpected and even if there had been time to grab my camera, which there wasn't, I didn't know where it was at that moment. SO, I will try to get her to do it again and see if I can get it on film.
Sarah also likes to sing! If I am at the computer with music on singing along, which I generally do when I am at the computer, she crawls over and puts her hands up to be picked up. I sit her in my lap and she sits and sings along, sometimes clapping her little hands. But generally throughout the day as she plays she can be found singing to her little self. It is quite cute. And when I put music on (like the Gospel Music Channel, which has been added to our cable package and I really love), she starts clapping and singing. It is very cute.
She's been a faithful little Pats fan, although I do believe she thinks football is all about the snacking and generally doesn't care so much about the game itself until a touchdown is scored and we all cheer. Then she claps. :)
Now, this little goober...the other day...somehow managed to climb up onto our dining room table. We were both home (in fact, Tim was in the room with her) and all of a sudden he turned around and there she was, on the table, playing with the candle piece. We have absolutely NO idea how she did it, and she hasn't done it again so I'm guessing she doesn't know either lol.
The other thing she has been big into is talking on the phone. She constantly puts a phone, any one she can get her hands on, up to her ear and says "Hello!" or "Hi!". The funny thing is, if you put her on the real phone and someone talks back, she won't talk. So I bought her her own house phone to go along with the cell phone we already bought her. And she LOVES it! However, if one day you get a call at your house and no one is talking, chances are it could be Sarah. She accidentally called a friend of ours the other day using the arrow buttons on the caller id. :)
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