Sarah just hit two milestones in the last two days. She cut her first tooth yesterday evening, and today at Fort Foster she figured out how to crawl on the beach!!! She is getting so big...I can't believe my baby is almost ten months old!! She loves to get around the house (up till now she's been rolling, that is obviously going to change quickly lol), and her favorite thing to do is reach behind the TV stand and pull out the cable cord (the only one she can reach). So now I need to come up with a way to block her reach in that one small spot in a way she can't get past.
Another thing of note...her father is a huge Red Sox and Pats fan. Sarah now owns two more Red Sox onesies in the official colors (in addition to the two pink ones she already owns) and a pink Patriots jersey, all compliments of daddy. She makes a cute fan, I must admit.
I will post pics of her new tooth when she lets me (right now she's not very fond of showing it off, but has no problem biting with it lol) and crawling when I catch her in the act with my camera (unfortunately I didn't have it with me today).
Yeah go Sarah!
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