Mommy sent daddy to the store the other day to get some stuff in case the power went out during a storm we were getting. Well, thankfully, we got the storm but never lost power. However, when daddy came back, he had a present for me...new Red Sox onesies and some blue jeans to wear them with. Daddy is a big Red Sox fan, and he can't wait to dress me up and watch a game together! Unfortunately, the games have been rained out because of the storm, but mommy dressed me up anyway to surprise daddy on Monday.
I also got a big bag of clothes from somebody that Kathy B. works with. There were lots of nice clothes in there! Mommy and I loved them. She's been dressing me up all week!
I am also really getting into teething. No fun. BUT, I have a teething toy that I like a lot that I can hold on to AND fits in my mouth, so I chew and slobber on it all day long to help my poor gums feel better.
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