Okay, so mommy and I realize it has been far too long since she posted anything on here. Give mommy a break though, cause she was busy unpacking from our move to our new apartment. I love our new apartment!! It is bright and sunny and has lots of room for me to play. Look out world when I start crawling!
I've gotten SO big! I like baby food, especially peaches and butternut sqash. I also like my new exersaucer that mommy and daddy got me. I play in it all the time. Once mommy gets some new batteries into our camera she'll post some pictures of me in it.
I also laughed out loud for the first time a week or so ago. My sister Natalie was playing peek-a-boo with me and I thought she was very funny! Mommy is going to post a couple pics she already has of me but check back in the next couple of days...she will take some new pictures and post them. :)
Yeah! A new post! Thanks for updating us. You looked so cute in church yesterday, I especially loved the shoes. Do you think they come in my size? I still have to come over and play sometime.
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