I've been keeping mommy so busy she hasn't had the chance to update my little blog. Where to begin? Well, for starters, I discovered that there are toys that hang over my hippo mat! I like to try to get the toys but my arms aren't quite long enough yet. But don't you worry, I'll get those toys one day!
Mommy and daddy went out and bought me a special bed because I won't sleep if I'm lying still...I love to be in motion! So they went out and bought me a bed that glides back and forth and plays pretty lullabies. I like it so much I have slept straight through the night the last three nights in a row! A big special thank you to daddy's friends at rescue who gave us the gift certificate that allowed us to buy my bed!
Also, I have a new shirt that I like. You'll see it in the pictures above. It's not really true (mommy usually does my hair), but mommy and I thought it was funny anyway.
I recognize mommy and daddy by voice and sight now. I love to spend time with them, especially mommy time!
I helped mommy throw a baby shower for (honorary) auntie Candace! She is having a baby too any day now. I had lots of fun until I realized mommy hadn't held me much cause she was helping with the shower. I cried until mommy took me from Bethany. Then I was happy again. I can't wait until baby Bradyn comes...then I'll have a playmate! :)
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