Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Good Day

Yesterday was a very good day. After mommy and Erin and I walked Natalie and Connor to school, I napped and mommy got the housework started. Then we went to have coffee with the ladies at the cafe. I had a very good time...Nancy A. held me and fed me and I got lots of attention (I LOVE attention). Then my friend Bradyn and his mommy came over to visit (they were at coffee too). I like Bradyn. I can't wait till we're big enough to really play. Then daddy came home early and played with me too. I finally fell asleep and slept all night. :) Mommy is putting a picture of me and a picture of Bradyn on this blog.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Say Cheese!

I smiled pretty today after waking up from my big nap, and mommy got the camera and got a picture of it before I got hungry and grumpy. I only get grumpy when I'm really hungry or extra tired. But I am a happy little girl and I love to smile and do my new trick...giggling. :)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

10 Weeks Old

I had my two month check up today. I am getting SO big...I weigh 11 pounds, 4 ounces, and I am a whopping 23 inches long! The doctor said I look great, then she had the nerve to order two shots for me. I did NOT like that! Although I must say, my mommy is a nice mommy, cause I was supposed to have four shots today, but she convinced them to wait a month to give me the other two. Mommy is typing this for me cause I am sleeping off the trauma of those awful shots!! My friend Bradyn came home from the hospital today...I can't wait to go play with him again! I saw his picture on mommy's computer today and started talking to it! Mommy was going to post a couple pictures she took of me but my brother got into the camera and somehow erased them. She'll post some later.

Monday, January 22, 2007

My future hubby lol

Hi everyone,

My auntie Candace had her baby yesterday! His name is Bradyn Jon and he weighs 7lbs 3oz. Mommy and Auntie Candace say that he and I are gonna get married some day whether we like it or not. As you can see from the picture, I'm not taking that quietly! :) I played with daddy while mommy was at the hospital with Candace and Dave, and because I was such a good girl (and I missed my mommy a lot...she missed me too!) she took me with her to go see Bradyn yesterday afternoon. I wasn't too happy at first cause everyone paid attention to him and nobody wanted to talk to me. I didn't think that was right, so when I had their attention (finally!) I told them how I felt about that!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Me and my brother

I have an older brother named Connor. He is five years old. I love my brother!

My brother is having a tough week because one of his little friends, who was very sick with neuroblastoma, went to heaven this week. And while I know my brother is glad that his friend Carroll isn't sick anymore, he misses him a whole lot. So I played with my brother to help him feel better. Please pray for my brother...he may be bigger than me, but he's still a little guy, and this is tough stuff for even the big guys, let alone the little ones like Connor. And pray for Carroll's family too...they miss him quite a bit too!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Oooh, I forgot!

Mommy and I discovered that I can sit up for a minute or two on the couch! I am a strong little girl!

Also, we wanted you to know (in case you didn't), that if you read my blog and want to post a comment, you can...and you don't have to have your own blog to do it! Just simply click on the "comments" underneath the blog you want to leave your thoughts on, and check "other". Then put your name in the name box and your comments in the comment box. We love to hear back from people!


I've been keeping mommy so busy she hasn't had the chance to update my little blog. Where to begin? Well, for starters, I discovered that there are toys that hang over my hippo mat! I like to try to get the toys but my arms aren't quite long enough yet. But don't you worry, I'll get those toys one day!

Mommy and daddy went out and bought me a special bed because I won't sleep if I'm lying still...I love to be in motion! So they went out and bought me a bed that glides back and forth and plays pretty lullabies. I like it so much I have slept straight through the night the last three nights in a row! A big special thank you to daddy's friends at rescue who gave us the gift certificate that allowed us to buy my bed!

Also, I have a new shirt that I like. You'll see it in the pictures above. It's not really true (mommy usually does my hair), but mommy and I thought it was funny anyway.

I recognize mommy and daddy by voice and sight now. I love to spend time with them, especially mommy time!

I helped mommy throw a baby shower for (honorary) auntie Candace! She is having a baby too any day now. I had lots of fun until I realized mommy hadn't held me much cause she was helping with the shower. I cried until mommy took me from Bethany. Then I was happy again. I can't wait until baby Bradyn comes...then I'll have a playmate! :)