It's been a little bit since I last posted. Part of the reason for that is I lost the cord that connects our camera to the computer to download photos. But I found it tonight, so here we go.
Sarah is getting SO big! I cannot begin to believe that she will be a year old in a few short weeks. She and her little friend Bradyn are getting more and more vocal and interactive with each other, and Candace and I are absolutely enjoying each play date a bit more every time we get them together.
Sarah is cruising around the house now on her little hands and knees. We had a little problem at first with her trying to get into the bathroom to get into the cat food. She doesn't seem to be so interested in that now though, because she has discovered the stairs. She now spends a good portion of her day gated into the living room so she can't get access to places like the stairs where she can get hurt.
A funny story...we had to take Sarah to the ER last Saturday because she woke up from her nap with conjunctivitis in her eye, and of course the docs office is not open. It was a very long day, so we got some pizza on the way home. I was heading back into the kitchen for a second slice when I discovered that Sarah had sat herself partway onto one of the chairs at the kids' table across from Connor and was happily patting the table (and also noticed while taking a picture of this cute sight that she had peed through her diaper). What a little goose! I've tried letting her have a snack there periodically this week but she only likes to sit there if someone else (preferrably Connor or one of the girls) is sitting at the table as well. My little girl is becoming a big girl!
I will post more soon as Halloween is coming up, as well as Sarah's first birthday party, and many other cute moments in between I am sure.