We have discovered that Sarah LOVES water (except cold water). She has figured out how to splash, and now that she sits well on her own bath time has become more fun....she LOVES tubby time!!! She is completely fascinated by the water, the faucet, the little switch that you flip to keep the water in the tub or drain it, mommy's little scrubby ball, etc. It is so much fun! We've also discovered though that bubble baths are not a good idea, because she thinks the bubbles are for eating (the same is also true for the sand on the beach). She is also really close to figuring out how to crawl. My baby is getting too big already!!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
A Day at the Beach
Tim, Connor, and Natalie left on Wednesday to go camping in Baxter State Park, so Erin, Sarah, and I have been enjoying some girl time. Wednesday we went shopping, and Thursday afternoon we went to the beach! I stuck Sarah's toes in the ocean, but it was a little cold, and she wasn't having any of that. So (since it was low tide) we found a big warm puddle to play in. This was great fun for a while...until Sarah decided that the sand was for eating! And it's not like I can just tell her no, since she wouldn't understand, so we played on our beach mat for a little bit. Then we got changed and walked around some of the little shops, and stopped for ice cream. I gave Sarah a bit of mine, thinking she'd try it and that would be it. Oh no, it became HER ice cream. And she was fit to be tied when it got down to the cone and she couldn't have any more! I had to quiet her with a baba lol. But we had a very good day nonetheless. I think I have a little water baby on my hands...Sebago Lake should be quite a bit of fun this year!
Posted by Sarah Grace at 2:07 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Fort Foster

This past weekend I took the kids and Sarah to Fort Foster for an outing with my entire family. This was Sarah's first trip to Fort Foster. The water was at low tide, starting to come in, when we got there, and was pretty warm up until about a foot or two into it. After that it was a tad cooler...not bad for the rest of us, but not to Sarah's liking lol. She sat in the warm water and played with the wet sand and tried to catch the pieces of seaweed that mommy and brother and sisters kept taking out of her reach. She figured out how to splash in the water with her hands, which she thought was great fun. She also managed to finally snag not one but two pieces of seaweed, which she happily played with until a very small but cool wave passed over her. The wave did not knock her over, but she managed to knock herself over with her own reaction to it. She decided she did not like the water very much after that. Oh well! We played on the playground too and went for a walk on the pier. Definitely a great place to bring the kids...we'll have to do it again sometime!
Posted by Sarah Grace at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 6, 2007
Pink Tails
I decided the other day that the curlies on the sides of Sarah's head might be long enough for little pony tails (or as Erin calls them, "pink tails"). Indeed they were, although I need to buy baby elastics, cause all I had were the big ones for my ponytails. Above are a couple of shots of Sarah sporting her new do. I am also including one of me from the Fourth of July. My friend Shallon and my sister Karen and I decided to brave the rainy weather to camp out for two hours (to get a good spot of course) to watch the Dover fireworks. It was too rainy to play the game we brought, so we had a little fun with our cameras instead! :)
Posted by Sarah Grace at 5:30 PM 0 comments
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